Seven Levels of Mastery
7. Being (Intention)
Realizing Oneness. Freedom. Grace
6. Awareness of Being (Attention)
Experiencing yourself as Life living through your
physical reality. Being Present
5. Living Observer of your Life (Intention)
Being the Observer of your physical reality.
Accepting all your experiences, including any
that you once may have considered negative.
Letting go of expectations. Becoming Present.
4. Dissolving Beliefs (Attention)
Awareness of yourself as the Master Creator of
your experience. Non-judgment. Letting go of
subjectivity. Forgiveness.
3. Healing Deepest Wound (Intention)
Identifying and Healing your deepest wound, a
core perception that has most profoundly affected
your experience of yourself and your life.
2. Subconscious Patterns become Conscious (Attention)
Awareness and insight into the past of this life
and of our past lives. Remembering and dissolving
accumulated pain from the past.
1. Releasing Blocks (Intention)
Precision Mind-Body Healing. Identifying and releasing
mental/emotional blocks. Dramatically facilitating
the healing process.